About - The PlumberDrummer UK
My background and passion is drumming. I started with my first accoustic drum kit at the age of 13 and progressed to an electric kit as I got older. I attended Leeds College of Music for two years and always knew that I wanted to be a performer.
Throughout the early days, I started playing music using buckets, pots and pans, street performing with a friend but I then went on to build my first instrument using drain pipes, it’s tuned to musical notes and played with flip flops. The pipe kit creates a unique techno sound, I've built several versions and added more notes each time to increase the range of tunes I can play. I also use a cajon with a kick pedal and foot tamborine.
I've been involved in street performing and events, big and small, UK and International. Nowadays I get to travel the country performing, educating and inspiring young people to get excited about making music.
Please get in touch if you have a project or event you would like to chat about.
AKA - Nathan Robinson

And now for something completely different...
Entertaining the crowds in York City Centre UK
Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit
Drums & Pipes
Collaboration between Snubby J & The PlumberDrummer UK
For enquiries about bookings for concerts, events or workshops
All enquiries please send your message here
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